100.00 ₹ · Audio transcription | online image comparison | Image classification | 2154 |

Published date: August 26, 2021 7:02 pm

Location: No. 190/2B, 1st Floor, Ramachandrappa Complex, Banaswadi Main Road, Subbaiahnapalya,, Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Image classification — A multiple-choice task. Examples are moderating content or grouping images by category.
Side-by-side image comparison — The performer compares pairs of images, illustrations, or interfaces.
Object recognition and area selection — The performer labels the areas on an image that contain the specified object. These tasks are easier to run in the web version.
Video classification — A multiple-choice task. For example, moderation of content, evaluation of video for noise and defects, or video classification by specified categories.
Audio transcription — The performer receives an audio recording and types the text they hear. Checking such tasks can be assigned to other performers as a classification task.
For Further details contact 2154: JENIFER CRISTINA

8088776777 OR perfectms777@gmail.com
We will be providing you content which targets our client business information. You Job is to post those contents on the website. You will be paid up to Rs.5/- for each and every valid content posted. Work at your own time. Data posting tools and list of posting websites will also be provided by management.

  • Audio transcription  | online image comparison | Image classification | 2154 |

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