Published date: December 30, 2022 1:39 pm
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Pet owners love Cat Exotica Persian Kittens because they are gentle, sweet, and don't cause hassles in their homes. A Persian kitten should be purchased from a trusted breeder or a housebred litter. Animal farms, pet farms, and pet mills should be avoided. In particular, Persian kittens are known for their thick, long coats with fine and perfect textures.
Persian cats are sold online by our company. Some of the breeds we have are Siberians, Ragdolls, and Himalayans. Online cats and kittens can be sold or bought by contacting us.
Why Choose Cat Exotica to Buy Cats or Kittens?
1. 100% Cage Free Cattery
2. Raise Super – Friendly Kittens & Cats
3. Variety of Cats Available Followed By Natural Breeding
4. Cats Are Fully Vaccinated and Dewormed
5. Provide Healthy & Breed Certified Cats
6. Online Order & Home Delivery All Over India
7. 100% Assured Hostel & Boarding Facilities
8. Experienced Staff With Trained Practical Knowledge
9. Provide Proper Training To Buyers To Understand Cat’s Requirements & Behaviours
We are happy to assist you if you need it,
Call: +91 6363157838